Swachhata Pakhwara at NIC, Uttar Pradesh State Centre
Swachhata Pakhwara at NIC, Uttar Pradesh State Centre from 1st February 2020 till 15th February 2020.
All NIC Officers and employees along with outsourced manpower posted at Uttar Pradesh State Center took the ‘Swachata’ Pledge on 3rd floor Yojna Bhawan, Lucknow, while the 75 districts took the “Swachata pledge” at their respective districts. The fortnightly schedule for cleaning the office premises and weeding out unnecessary documents was made and adhered to during fortnight ending 15-2-2020. The main activities performed during the pakhwara are as follows. :-
- Cleaning of 3rd floor Office area, including the NoC, Data Centre and NKN Control Centre at Yojna Bhawan, Lucknow.
- Cleaning of NIC, Administration Section situated at Mezzanine floor, Yojna Bhawan, Lucknow.
- Cleaning of Administration Section and Application Development Centre at 6th floor Yojna Bhawan, Lucknow.
- Cleaning of NIC Office at 4th Floor, Kendriya Bhawan, Lucknow.
- The 75 districts also contributed in the cleaning of their respective offices